Being strategic in HR, more than an aspiration
We invite you to the Webinar "Being strategic in HR, more than an aspiration".
Technological disruption or the pandemic are some of the variables that have impacted the way we work or relate to each other and, consequently, have conditioned the agenda of human resources areas. Generating a good employee experience or engagement is also becoming another of the priorities of our organisations, as attracting and, especially, retaining talent has become a major challenge for many.
In this session we will share some reflections on the trends in Talent Management and how it is impacting HR, both in its own role and functions and in setting priorities. Assuming transformational leadership is key if we want to contribute to the competitiveness of our organisations.
Speaker: Emma de Llanos Serra
Professor and Director of HR Programmes at Executive Education, EADA. Her professional career has focused on consultancy, accompanying management development and change processes for national and multinational companies, helping in recent years to transform and professionalise human resources areas. Lecturer and columnist, he has published in specialist journals on Psychology, Cultural Anthropology and Management, as well as collaborating on several books, including "Manual del Directivo Eficaz", "Ampliando el pastel" and "Tanto creces tantos vales".
Please remember this Webinar will be held is spanish.