
Women represent half of graduates from the EADA Executive programmes

8 March 2019

Mujeres en EADAThe percentage of women on the EADA Executive programmes has already reached 50%. In 2018, 482 out of the 963 graduates from different management training programmes were women. In fact, this figure has not dropped below 45% (see attached chart) in the last 6 years from a sample of more than 6,700 participants. However, this data contrasts sharply with the current 15.4% of women in management positions. This was reported in the latest study on Salary differences and quota of female presence which is published annually by the consultancy ICSA Grupo and EADA.

It can, therefore, be concluded that the reduced female presence in positions of responsibility is not related to a lack of training as women represent more than 50% of participants in the different EADA management training programmes (Master of Science, MBAs and Executive Education).

As Dr. Aline Masuda, professor and researcher at EADA and expert in equality policy, explains, “the differences in presence in the business environment have their roots in factors unrelated to a woman’s training. They are linked to the difficulties in striking a work-life balance, the enduring use of strict styles of management in numerous company areas, the culture of presenteism and the lack of innovation when adopting different working methods such as teleworking”.


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