Aline D. Masuda
Aline D. Masuda holds Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Industrial Organizational Psychology from the State University of New York-Albany and Missouri State University respectively. Previously, she was a senior project manager for International Survey Research, currently part of Towers Watson, where she worked with corporate clients such as BP, Novartis, and Underwriter Laboratories. She also worked at the workforce research and marketing intelligence departments at IBM and was a post-doctoral researcher at IESE Business School. Aline conducts research in motivation and leadership, employee attitudes, work-family enrichment, and flexible working arrangements across cultures. Professor at Department of Strategy, Leadership and People.
Motivation and Leadership; employee attitudes; work-family enrichment; and flexible working arrangements across cultures
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning, Harvard Business School
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | Industrial Organizational Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York
MS - Master of Science | , Missouri State University
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | B.S. in Psychology, Missouri State University
Academy of Management -
European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology - EAWOP
Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology -
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor, Centrum - Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Perú (2010-)
Post Doctoral Researcher, IESE Business School (Barcelona) (2006-2008)
Academic Director for the Center for Research on Organization Work and Family, Strathmore Business School (Nairobi Kenya) (2006-2006)
Research Assistant, University at Albany (SUNY) (2003-2004)
Psychology Advisor, University at Albany (SUNY) (2002-2003)
Teacher, Missouri State University (2001-2002)
Research Assistant, Missouri State University (2000-2001)
Senior Project Manager, International Survey Research - ISR, now part of Towers Watson (Chicago - U.S.) (2005-2006)
Global Work Force Research , International Business Machines - IBM (New York - U.S.) (2004-2005)
Program Manager, International Business Machines - IBM (New York - U.S.) (2005-2005)
World Disney World College Intern, Walt Disney World (1998-1998)
Client Care, Nova Center of Ozarks (1997-1998)
Journal Article, Scholarly
MASUDA, A. , SORTHEIX, F. , Holtschlag, C. , Morales, C. (2023). When Gender is More Likely to Predict Pay via Self-Enhancement Values and Working Hours: The Role of a Country´s Level of Gender Inequality. : Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. , Morales, C. (2020). Why Do Millennials Stay in Their Jobs? The Roles of Protean Career Orientation, Goal Progress and Organizational Career Management. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Morales, C. , MASUDA, A. , Holtschlag, C. (2019). The why and how of entrepreneurial action: An integrative model based on individual values and action theory.. : The Spanish Journal of Psychology.
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. , Beham, B. , Naidoo, L. (2019). Cultural Value Orientations and Work–Family Conflict: The Mediating Role of Work and Family Demands. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Morales, C. , Holtschlag, C. , Marquina, P. , MASUDA, A. (2018). In which cultural contexts do individual values explain entrepreneurship? An integrative values-framework using Schwartz’s theories. : International Small Business Journal.
Holtschlag, C. , Reiche, S. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2018). How and When Do Core Self-Evaluations Predict Career Satisfaction? The Roles of Positive Goal Emotions and Occupational Embeddedness. : Applied Psychology an International Review.
MASUDA, A. , Holtschlag, C. , Nicklin, J. (2017). Why the availability of telecommuting matters: The effects of telecommuting on engagement via goal pursuit. : Career Development Internationall.
Lee, Y. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. , Fu, X. (2017). Navigating between Home, Host, and Global: Consequences of Multicultural Team Members’ Identity Configurations. : Academy of Management Discoveries.
Masuda, A. , Locke, E. , Williams, K. (2015). The effects of simultaneous learning and performance goals on performance: An inductive exploration. : Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
HOLTSCHLAG, C. , MORALES ROSALES, C. , MASUDA, A. , MAYDEU, A. (2013). Complementary person-culture fit and career advancement: Matching individual and cultural values to predict hierarchical status. San Diego/USA/Elsevier: Journal of Vocational Behaviour.
MASUDA, A. , McNall, L. , Allen, T. , Nicklin, J. , , . (2012). Examining the Constructs of Work-to-Family Enrichment and Positive Spillover. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
MASUDA, A. , POELMANS, S. , Allen, T. , Spector, P. , Lapierre, L. , Cooper, C. , Brough, P. , Ferrero, P. , Fraile, G. , Lu, L. , Lu, C. , Siu, O. , O’Driscoll, M. , Simoni, A. , Shima, S. , Moreno-Velazquez, I. , , . (2012). Flexible working arrangements availability and their relationship with work-to-family conflict, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions: A comparison of Three Country Clusters. : Applied Psychology: An International Review.
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. (2011). Work-Family Values, Priority Goals and Life Satisfaction: A seven year follow- up of MBA students. : Journal of Happiness Studies.
Holtschlag , C. , MASUDA, A. (2011). The Impact of Career Visions on Work Attitudes: A Longitudinal Approach. : Career Development International.
MASUDA, A. (2011). Power Motives and Core Self Evaluation as Correlates of Managerial Morality. : Academic Leadership.
McNall, L. , MASUDA, A. , Shanock, L. , Nicklin, J. (2011). Interaction of Core Self-Evaluations and Perceived Organizational Support on Work-to-Family . : The Journal of Psychology.
McNall, L. , Nicklin, J. , MASUDA, A. , D’Agnisto, . , Mishra, . (2010). A meta-analytic review of the consequences of work-family enrichment. : The Journal of Business Psychology.
MASUDA, A. , Kane, T. , Shoptaugh, C. , Minor, K. , , . (2010). The role of a vivid and challenging “personal vision” on goal hierarchies. : The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
McNall, . , MASUDA, A. , Nicklin, . (2010). Flexible Work Arrangements and Job Satisfaction/Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work-to-Family Enrichment. : Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
Kane, . , Zaccaro, . , Tremble , . , MASUDA, A. (2002). An examination of the leader’s regulation of groups. : Small Group Research.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
MASUDA, A. (2018). Schwarz Values: Implications for Global Work Family Research.. : .
MASUDA, A. , Kostopoulos, K. (2013). Diversity and Innovative Performance in Teams: The Role of Conflict Management Styles, Team and Leadership Identity. : Taylor & Francis Books.
MASUDA, A. (2013). Work–life policies and practices across countries. : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Shanock, L. , MASUDA, A. , Arboleda, M. (2012). Hispanics@Work: A Collection of Research, Theory and Application. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
MASUDA, A. , Visio, M. , , . (2012). Nepotism in Organizations. For Division 14, American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology. (SIOP Frontier Series). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Martin, . , Leon, . , MASUDA, A. , Chinchilla, . (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
MASUDA, A. , McNall, . (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
Epie, . , Muriithi, . , MASUDA, A. (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
POELMANS, S. , MASUDA, A. (2009). Workplace Psychological Health: Current Research and Practice. : Edward Elgar.
POELMANS, S. , Stepanova, E. , MASUDA, A. (2008). Handbook of Work and Family. : Elsevier.
Poelmans, . , Stepanova, . , MASUDA, A. (2008). Handbook of Work and Family Integration. Research Theory and Best Practices. Amsterdan, the Netherlands: Elsevier.
POELMANS, S. , MASUDA, A. (2008). Harmonizing Work, Family and Personal Life. From Policy to Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Poelmans, . , MASUDA, A. (2008). The harmonization of Work Family and Personal Practice: From Policy to Practice. : Cambridge University Press.
Jones, . , Levesque, . , MASUDA, A. (2003). Emerging Perspectives on Values in Organizations. Greenwich: Information Age Publications.
Technical Report
MASUDA, A. (2017). Understanding Organizational Behavior to Make Managerial Decisions. : .
MASUDA, A. (2016). How to motivate employees to perform well: Performe at work. : .
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
Locke, E. , Williams, K. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2015). The virtue of Persistance. : The Industrial Organizational Psychologist.
MASUDA, A. (2009). Leading multicultural teams : Why should CIOs care?. : e-Penteo ICT Analyst.
Conference Proceeding
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. (2015). How and When Do Protean Careerists Change Work Attitudes. : Academy of Management Conference Proceedings.
Holtschlag, C. , Reiche, S. , MASUDA, A. , Garriga, E. , , . (2014). How and when do core self-evaluations predict career satisfaction? The roles of positive goal emotions and occupational embeddedness. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2011). The impact of specific and difficult career visions on job satisfaction and turnover intentions.. : Academy of Management Meeting Proceedings.
MASUDA, A. , McNall, L. , Allen, T. , Nicklyn, J. (2010). Examining the constructs of work-family positive spillover and enrichment. Montreal: Academy of Management Meeting.
Working Paper
MASUDA, A. , Williams, . (2011). The effects of multiple learning and outcome goals on strategies and complex task performance.. : .
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. (2011). Work-Family Values, Priority Goals and Life Satisfaction: A seven year follow- up of MBA students. : .
Yih-teen, L. , MASUDA, A. , Pablo, C. (2010). Leadership Emergency and Cultural Competencies in Multicultural Teams: The Interplay of Self, Host, and Global Cultural Identities.. : .
MASUDA, A. , McNall, . , Nicklin, . (2008). A Meta-Analytic Review of the Consequences Associated with Work-Family Enrichment. : EADA.
Book, Scholarly
Chinchilla, N. , Las Heras, M. , MASUDA, A. (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc: .
Doctoral Theses
MASUDA, A. (2006). The effects of learning and outcome goals on the performance of a complex task: The mediating role of knowledge. New York: University at Albany.