Strategy, Leadership and People

Ferran Velasco Moreno

Ferran Velasco Moreno


Ferran Velasco is an industrial engineer with 23 years of experience in managerial positions in both multinational and family business environments. The main roles to be highlighted are Business Unit leader, global director of Product Management and Sales & Marketing Director. He holds a masters in marketing (ESIC), has completed two leadership development programmes (Wharton School of Business & ESADE), and holds a doctoral degree in management sciences. His areas of expertise are leadership, competency development, 360-degree feedback, emotional intelligence and goal setting.

Leadership, leadership development, multisource feedback emotional intelligence, motivation, goal setting.

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , ESADE Business School

MS - Master of Science | , ESADE Business School

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Programme for Management Development, ESADE Executive Education

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Leadership Development Program, Wharton School of Business

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Master of Marketing, ESIC

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Industrial Engineering, Degree in Organisation, ETSEIT - UPC


Sales & Marketing Director, Grupo Miralles (2012-2015)

Global Director of Product Management, TE Connectivity (2008-2011)

Industrial Business Unit Manager, TE Connectivity (1998-2008)

Consumer Division Manager, TE Connectivity (1995-1998)

Automotive Projects Manager, TE Connectivity (1992-1995)

Project Coordinator, TE Connectivity (1990-1992)

Journal Article, Scholarly

Rueff-Lopes, R. , VELASCO MORENO, F. , Sayeras, J. , Junça-Silva, A. (2024). Understanding turnover of Generation Y early-career workers: the influence of values and education. : Personnel Review.

, . , VELASCO MORENO, F. (2023). Examining the motivations underlying international students’ migration behaviors: the case of master’s students in Spain. : Journal of International Migration and Integration.

Aymerich, N. , Batista-Foguet, J. , Velasco, F. , Rueff-Lopes, R. , Marques, P. (2021). Assessing the Effects of a Transformational Leadership Training Programme within the Catalan Police Force. UK: Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.

VELASCO MORENO, F. , Batista-Foguet, J. , Emmerling, R. (2019). Assessing goal-directed behaviors in leadership development programs. USA: Frontiers in Psychology.

Batista-Foguet, J. , Saris, W. , Boyatzis, R. , Serlavós, R. , Velasco, F. (2019). Revisiting the Methodology of Data Analysis in Multisource Assessment when used for Development Purposes. USA: Frontiers in Psychology.