Strategy, Leadership and People

Elena Tecchiati

Elena Tecchiati

Elena Tecchiati holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Cologne, Germany with an additional specialization in Leadership Psychology from the University of Rostock, Germany. She completed her Master's Degree in Human Resources and Organizational Psychology at the Universitat Ramon Llull, Blanquerna. Elena studied languages ​​and linguistics in Milan, Italy, and completed a Master in Marketing and Communication at the WAK in Cologne, Germany. She is trained as "Voice and Speech Coach", in individual and group systemic Coaching, Conflict, Ontological and is accredited as a PCC Coach by the ICF. She specialized as a communication skills trainer and works worldwide in the field of effective communication and conflict resolution. Her experience of living in different countries and working with professionals of different nationalities in four languages ​​makes her cultural diversity part of her identity. Elena is a teacher, facilitator and coach at EADA.

Género y liderazgo, Conflict Management, Inclusive Leadership, Inteligencia emocional y resolución de conflictos

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | B.Sc. Psychology, University of Cologne

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Investigación en Psicología , Universitat de Barcelona

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | M.A. Marketing and Communication, WAK

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | M.U. de Psicología de Organizaciones y RRHH , Blanquerna

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Module of Master in Leadership Psychology, Rostok University

International Coach Federation -


Formadora y coach freelance en organizaciones , (2008-)

“Voice and Speech Coach”, (2005-)

Docente, Geneva Business School, Barcelona (2016-2017)

Profesora, European University, Barcelona (2013-2014)

Profesora, Macromedia University, Media and Design Studies, Colonia, Alemania (2009-2010)

Profesora, Blanquerna Facultad de Comunicación, Barcelona (2014-2017)

Profesora, Global Business School, Barcelona (2014-2016)

Profesora, Departamento de economía y ciencias sociales en la Universidad de Colonia, Alemania (2011-2013)

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor, INSA Barcelona (2016-2016)

Visiting Professor, University of Bochum, Germany (2012-2012)

Advantage Consultores (2016 - 2017)

LIW, Germany (2009 - 2013)

RHR International Cologne, Germany (1998 - 2000)

Working Paper

TECCHIATI, E. (2014). Emotionserkennung über die menschliche Stimme. Munich: GRIN Verlag.. : .

TECCHIATI, E. (2014). Haben Lügen kurze Beine? Munich: GRIN Verlag.. : .

TECCHIATI, E. (2014). Monolingualismus und Bilingualismus. Ein Vergleich. Munich: GRIN Verlag.. : .

TECCHIATI, E. (2014). Stereotyping leadership: An investigation about leaders' perception. . : .

Book, Non-Scholarly

TECCHIATI, E. (2013). Cómo gestionar el networking con éxito: Los secretos para triunfar . : .