Davide Luzzini
Research Dean
Davide Luzzini holds a PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), and is adjunct professor at MIP Graduate School of Business. Previously he also held a position as Associate Professor at Audencia Business School (France) and Zaragoza Logistics Center-MIT Scale (Spain). He has international teaching experience at all levels (Bachelor, Master, MBA, Corporate programs). His research has been focusing on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management for many years. His current research deals with Food and Innovation Networks, Social Impact Supply Chains, and the orchestration of Buyer-Supplier Relationships. He has published his research in several international journals and serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and Operations Management Research.
Social Impact Supply Chains; Supply Chain Complexity; Buyer-Supplier relationships; Sustainable Food Systems; Empirical Research Methods.
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , Politecnico di Milano
Academy of Management - AoM
Decision Science Institute - DSI
European Operations Management Association - EurOMA
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association - IPSERA
Production and Operations Management Society - POMS
Member of the Executive Committee, IPSERA (2021-)
Full Professor, EADA Business School (2018-)
Associate Editor, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (2016-)
Research Affiliate, MIT (2016-)
Area Editor, Operations Management Research (2011-)
Associate Professor, EADA Business School (2017-2018)
Associate Professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center - MIT Scale (2016-2017)
Associate Professor, Audencia Business School (2014-2016)
Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano (2011-2014)
Faculty / Extended Faculty, MIP Graduate School of Business (2007-)
Responsible, IPSERA Doctoral workshop (2014-2018)
Director of the Executive Program in Strategic Purchasing , MIP Graduate School of Business (2012-2015)
Ashoka (2020 - )
ABB (2017 - 2018)
Mediolanum Bank (2014 - 2015)
Reale Mutua (2014 - 2015)
Siram (2014 - 2015)
Luxottica (2011 - 2014)
Finmeccanica (now Leonardo) (2011 - 2013)
IBM (2007 - 2012)
Unicredit (2010 - 2011)
Book, Scholarly
, S. , , A. , LUZZINI, D. , , M. , , M. , , F. (2024). A just transition towards making precarious work rare, safe, and legal. : Elgar Publishing.
MASSA SALUZZO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Ricucci, R. (2023). The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies. : Springer.
LUZZINI, D. , Miemczyk, . , Bernardin, . (2016). SCM stratégique, relations acheteur-fournisseur et performance : vers une théorie du SCM. Editions Management & Societe (EMS): .
Patrucco, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . (2015). Improving new product development performance-The mediating effect of supplier involvement and the role of the purchsing function. Scholar's Press: .
Journal Article, Scholarly
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pullman, M. , Seuring, S. , van Donk, D. (2024). Social enterprises in supply chains: driving systemic change through social impact. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , DIFRANCESCO, R. , Savaget, P. (2024). Driving systemic change research within the PSM community. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
Akın Ateş, M. , LUZZINI, D. (2024). Untying the Gordian knot: A systematic review and integrative framework of supply network complexity. : Journal of Business Logistics.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Krause, D. , Moretto, A. (2023). What is the right purchasing strategy for your company? The fit between strategic intent, strategic purchasing and perceived environmental uncertainty. : International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
Selviaridis, K. , LUZZINI, D. , Mena, C. (2023). How strategic public procurement creates social value: Evidence from UK anchor institutions. : Public Management Review.
DIFRANCESCO, R. , LUZZINI, D. , Patrucco, A. (2022). Purchasing realized absorptive capacity as the gateway to sustainable supply chain management. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-10-2021-0627).
Patrucco, A. , Harland, C. , LUZZINI, D. , Frattini, F. (2022). Managing triadic supplier relationships in collaborative innovation projects: a relational view perspective. : Supply Chain Management.
Kauppi, K. , LUZZINI, D. (2021). Measuring institutional pressures in a supply chain context: scale development and testing. : Supply Chain Management.
Gualandris, J. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pagell, M. (2021). The association between supply chain structure and transparency: A large-scale empirical study. : Journal of Operations Management.
Acero Lopez, B. , LUZZINI, D. , Jesus Saenz, M. (2021). Introducing synchromodality: one missing link between transportation and supply chain management. : Journal of Supply Chain Management.
AKIN ATEŞ, M. , Suurmond, R. , LUZZINI, D. , Krause, D. (2021). Order from Chaos: A Meta-Analysis of Supply Chain Complexity and Firm Performance. : Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Gerke, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Mena, C. (2021). Innovation Configurations in Sport Clusters: The role of Interorganizational Citizenship and Social Capital. : Journal of Business Research.
Patrucco, A. , , A. , LUZZINI, D. , , A. (2020). Obtaining supplier commitment: antecedents and performance outcomes. : International Journal of Production Economics.
Patrucco, A. , Moretto, A. , Ronchi, S. , LUZZINI, D. (2019). Organisational choices in public procurement: what can public management learn from the private sector?. : Local Government Studies.
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pullman, M. , Habiague, M. (2019). Business for Society is Society's Business: Tension Management in a Migrant Integration Supply Chain. : JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT.
Pullman, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2018). EMERGING DISCOURSE INCUBATOR: The Roles of Institutional Complexity and Hybridity in Social Impact Supply Chain Management. : JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT.
Maestrini, . , LUZZINI, D. , Caniato, . , Maccarrone, . , Ronchi, . (2018). Measuring supply chain performance: a lifecycle framework and a case study. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Guerci, M. (2018). Deploying Environmental Management Across Functions: The Relationship Between Green Human Resource Management and Green Supply Chain Management. : Journal of Business Ethics.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Moretto, A. , Ronchi, S. (2018). Attraction in buyer-supplier relationships: Improving supply network performance through purchasing recognition and proficient collaboration initiatives. : Business Process Management Journal.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2017). Achieving innovation through supplier collaboration: the role of the purchasing interface. : BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL.
LUZZINI, D. (2017). Big vs small agriculture: Is there a viable middle ground?. : Supply Chain Management Review.
Radaelli, G. , Lettieri, E. , Frattini, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Boaretto, A. (2017). Users' search mechanisms and risks of inappropriateness in healthcare innovations: The role of literacy and trust in professional contexts. : Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. , Essig, M. , Amann, M. , Glas, A. (2017). Designing a public procurement strategy: lessons from local governments. : Public Money & Management.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. , Maccarrone, P. , CANIATO, F. (2017). Supply chain performance measurement systems: A systematic review and research agenda. : International Journal of Production Economics.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. , Shani, A. , Canterino, F. (2016). The action research cycle reloaded: Conducting action research across buyer-supplier relationships. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Maestrini, . , LUZZINI, D. , Canterino, . , Shani, . (2016). Conducting action research in the context of buyer-supplier relationships. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Spina, . , Caniato, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . (2016). External grand theories and research on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: a systematic literature review. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
Patrucco, . , Scalera, . , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Risks and governance modes in offshoring decisions: linking supply chain management and international business perspectives. : Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Procurement Performance Management Systems in Local Governments. : Local Government Studies.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Cinderella purchasing transformation: linking purchasing status to purchasing practices and business performance. : Production Planning & Control.
SPINA, G. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Assessing the use of External Grand Theories in Purchasing and Supply Management research. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Guerci, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Corrigendum. : The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Guerci, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance – the mediating role of green HRM practices. : The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
RONCHI, S. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. (2015). Total Cost of Ownership Along the Supply Chain: A Model Applied to the Tinting Industry. : SSRN Electronic Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , Brandon-Jones, E. , Brandon-Jones, A. , SPINA, G. (2015). From sustainability commitment to performance: The role of intra- and inter-firm collaborative capabilities in the upstream supply chain. : International Journal of Production Economics.
CANIATO, F. , Elia, S. , LUZZINI, D. , Piscitello, L. , RONCHI, S. (2015). Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring. : International Journal of Production Economics.
LUZZINI, D. , Amann, M. , CANIATO, F. , Essig, M. , RONCHI, S. (2015). The path of innovation: purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development. : Industrial Marketing Management.
CANIATO, F. , RONCHI, S. , LUZZINI, D. , Brivio, O. (2015). Total cost of ownership along the supply chain: a model applied to the tinting industry. : Production Planning & Control.
KNOPPEN, D. , Ateş, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , LUZZINI, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wynstra, F. (2015). A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. : International Journal of Production Research.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. (2015). Do HRM practices help to translate stakeholder pressures into environmental performance?. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. (2015). Supply chain performance measurement system lifecycle. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Piscitello, . , Elia, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . , Caniato, . (2014). Location distinctive characteristics as antecedents of offshoring performance: the moderating effect of the governance model. : Global Strategy Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , Moretto, A. , CANIATO, F. , BRUN, A. (2014). Organizing IT purchases: Evidence from a global study. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Elia, S. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Piscitello, L. (2014). Governance Choice in Global Sourcing of Services: The Impact on Service Quality and Cost Saving Performance. : Global Strategy Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , CANIATO, F. , SPINA, G. (2014). Designing vendor evaluation systems: An empirical analysis. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2014). Purchasing performance management systems: an empirical investigation. : Production Planning & Control.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , Guerci, M. (2014). Green HRM and SCM practices and their effects on environmental and economic performance. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
SPINA, G. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2013). Past, present and future trends of purchasing and supply management: An extensive literature review. : Industrial Marketing Management.
LUZZINI, D. , CANIATO, F. , RONCHI, S. , SPINA, G. (2012). A transaction costs approach to purchasing portfolio management. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2011). Organizing the purchasing department for innovation. : Operations Management Research.
CANIATO, F. , Golini, R. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2010). Towards full integration: eProcurement implementation stages. : Benchmarking: An International Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2010). Purchasing management in the luxury industry: organization and practices. : Operations Management Research.
Ronchi, . , LUZZINI, D. , Spina, . (2008). Supply chain coordination: the problem of Risk and Benefit sharing. : Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
Conference Proceeding
LUZZINI, D. (2021). Are Social Enterprises the answer to solve sustainability issues in Operations and Supply Chain Management?. : 8th EUROMA Sustainability Forum.
LUZZINI, D. (2020). A look at Social Impact Supply Chains in times of Covid-19. : IPSERA Workshop: Sustainable Supply Chains Versus Covid 19.
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, S. (2017). How purchasing contributes to firms competitive advantage? Enabling purchasing characteristics in supporting supplier collaborative innovation. : Excellence HA.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Building Social Capital into the Disrupted Green Coffee Supply Chain: Illy’s Journey to Quality and Sustainability. : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.