Estratègia, Lideratge i Persones

Verónica Devenin Vera

Verónica Devenin Vera


Verónica Devenin és sociòloga i té un PhD en Ciències i Tecnologies del Medi Ambient per la Universitat de Barcelona. Amb casi 10 anys d'experiència a la indústria, Verónica va començar la seva carrera com a professora assistent a l'Escola de Negocis de la Universitat Adolfo Ibáñez a Xile. Després de tornar a Barcelona, va participar com a investigadora postdoctoral a ESADE sobre agricultura regenerativa. Com a professora del Departament d'Estratègia, Lideratge i Persones a EADA, Verónica continua les seves investigacions sobre negocis sostenibles i regeneratius, incloent-hi la perspectiva del consumidor. Verónica és també membre del directori de B Academics i Chair de Global Engagement. Verónica també és membre de SEKN (Social Enterprise Knowledge Network).

Regenerative business
Post-growth business
Sustainable business
Sustainable consumption
Corporate social responsibility

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Post Doctoral Researcher, ESADE

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , Barcelona University

MS - Master of Science | , University of Concepcion

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Graduate in Sociology, University of Concepcion

B Academics Spain -

Global B Corp Academic Community - B Academics

Social Enterprise Knowledge Network - SEKN


Post Doctoral Researcher, ESADE Business School (2021-2022)

Assistant Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (2015-2019)

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2019-2020)


Human Resources professional, ENAP, Oil and Gas Company (2001-2008)

Journal Article, Scholarly

Bianchi, C. , Reyes, V. , DEVENIN VERA, V. Consumer motivations to purchase from benefit corporations (B Corps). : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

LUZZINI, D. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , MIEMCZYK, J. , LONGONI, A. , BANERJEE, B. , PAGELL, M. Rethinking Supply Chain Management in a Post-Growth Era. : .

Bianchi, C. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , Reyes, V. (2022). An empirical study of consumer purchase intention for responsible enterprises in Chile. : Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Bianchi, C. (2022). Trajectories towards a voluntary simplicity lifestyle and inner growth. : Journal of Consumer Culture.

DEVENIN VERA, V. (2021). Collaborative community development in mining regions: the Calama Plus and Creo Antofagasta programs in Chile. : Resources Policy.

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Bianchi, C. (2018). Soccer fields? What for? Effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the mining industry. : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

Everingham, J. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , Collins, N. (2015). The beast doesn’t stop: the resource boom and changes in the social space of the Darling Downs. : Rural society.

Book, Scholarly

Magomedova, N. , Mas, M. , DEVENIN VERA, V. Ser Empresa B Corp en España. Spain: McGraw Hill.

Chapters in Scholarly Book

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Vernis, A. Veritas, supermercado ecológico. Spain: McGraw Hill.

Normand, J. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2023). Real-World Lessons on Stakeholder Capitalism: How B Lab and B Corp Movement Catalyze Change in Society. : Springer.

Case Study with Teaching Note

Vernis, A. , Planellas, M. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2022). Familia Torres: From Sustainability to Regenerative Agriculture. : Harvard Business Publishing.

Casarín, A. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2020). : Harvard Business Publishing.