Estrategia, Liderazgo y Personas

Verónica Devenin Vera

Verónica Devenin Vera


Verónica Devenin es socióloga, y tiene un PhD en Ciencias y Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente por la Universidad de Barcelona. Con cai 10 años de experiencia en la industria, Verónica comenzó su carrera como profesora asistente en la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez en Chile. Tras regresar a Barcelona, participó como investigadora post-doctoral en ESADE sobre agricultura regenerativa. Como profesora del Departamento de Estrategia, Liderazgo y Personas en EADA, Verónica continua sus investigaciones sobre negocios sostenibles y regenerativos, incluyendo además la perspectiva del consumidor. Verónica es también miembro del directorio de B Academics y Chair de Global Engagement. Verónica también es miembro de SEKN (Social Enterprise Knowledge Network.

Regenerative business
Post-growth business
Sustainable business
Sustainable consumption
Corporate social responsibility

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Post Doctoral Researcher, ESADE

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , Barcelona University

MS - Master of Science | , University of Concepcion

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Graduate in Sociology, University of Concepcion

B Academics Spain -

Global B Corp Academic Community - B Academics

Social Enterprise Knowledge Network - SEKN


Post Doctoral Researcher, ESADE Business School (2021-2022)

Assistant Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (2015-2019)

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2019-2020)


Human Resources professional, ENAP, Oil and Gas Company (2001-2008)

Journal Article, Scholarly

Bianchi, C. , Reyes, V. , DEVENIN VERA, V. Consumer motivations to purchase from benefit corporations (B Corps). : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

LUZZINI, D. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , MIEMCZYK, J. , LONGONI, A. , BANERJEE, B. , PAGELL, M. Rethinking Supply Chain Management in a Post-Growth Era. : .

Bianchi, C. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , Reyes, V. (2022). An empirical study of consumer purchase intention for responsible enterprises in Chile. : Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Bianchi, C. (2022). Trajectories towards a voluntary simplicity lifestyle and inner growth. : Journal of Consumer Culture.

DEVENIN VERA, V. (2021). Collaborative community development in mining regions: the Calama Plus and Creo Antofagasta programs in Chile. : Resources Policy.

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Bianchi, C. (2018). Soccer fields? What for? Effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the mining industry. : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

Everingham, J. , DEVENIN VERA, V. , Collins, N. (2015). The beast doesn’t stop: the resource boom and changes in the social space of the Darling Downs. : Rural society.

Book, Scholarly

Magomedova, N. , Mas, M. , DEVENIN VERA, V. Ser Empresa B Corp en España. Spain: McGraw Hill.

Chapters in Scholarly Book

DEVENIN VERA, V. , Vernis, A. Veritas, supermercado ecológico. Spain: McGraw Hill.

Normand, J. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2023). Real-World Lessons on Stakeholder Capitalism: How B Lab and B Corp Movement Catalyze Change in Society. : Springer.

Case Study with Teaching Note

Vernis, A. , Planellas, M. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2022). Familia Torres: From Sustainability to Regenerative Agriculture. : Harvard Business Publishing.

Casarín, A. , DEVENIN VERA, V. (2020). : Harvard Business Publishing.