
EADA’s 3rd report on Digital Leadership in Spain 2021

11 October 2021
report on Digital Leadership in Spain 2021


The 3rd Report on the level of Digital Leadership in Spain 2021 by EADA Business School concludes that digital transformation is a strategic element for businesses. From 2015 to 2021, the digital strategy went from being the responsibility of a company’s Marketing or IT departments to that of General Management, increasing from 18% to 60% in just six years. This digital transformation has accelerated over the last year and a half due to the Covid-19 pandemic, during which the biggest advances have taken place in technology adoption and change management. In fact, 88% of companies included in the survey acknowledged that they have sped up digitalisation in response to the new challenges of the pandemic. Digital security has also become a priority for more than 80% of organisations.

How have we evolved in our digital transformation over the last six years? What are our strengths and weaknesses? In what ways has the pandemic been a leap in our digital evolution? These are the main issues addressed in the report, a research study led by EADA professor Ramon Costa based on the responses of nearly 400 managers from different sectors and company sizes.

The level of digital maturity is 6.5/10, which is a significant improvement compared to the 5.7 of the first report carried out in 2015. It also confirms the important progress of management in leading the digital transformation in business. According to the report, we have integrated into our day-to-day lives those skills which are most operational: individual use, leadership, communication, productivity and security. The biggest challenge lies in developing tactical and strategic skills related to the organisational sphere and the business environment. For Ramon Costa, “a company’s creativity, innovation, its products, services and business models are a great opportunity for improvement in the digital arena.”