
EADA takes part in the Festival of Marketing 2016 in London

3 October 2016
Marketing and sales

Más de 50 participantes del International Master in Marketing acudirán al prestigioso Festival of Marketing


A total of 56 participants from the EADA International Master in Marketing will attend on the 5th and 6th October to the number one marketing event in the UK and one of the most important in the world, The Festival of Marketing. For the second year, the emblematic Tobacco Dock in London hosts the event which is expected to gather over 3,000 inspirational business leaders around headliners on 12 different stages, with more than 200 speakers and over 150 hours of content

The Festival of Marketing is an unique experience where ambitious marketers can discover, learn, celebrate and shape the future together. “Advertising has the Cannes Festival, social media and technology has SXSW in Austin, Marketing has never had an event of reference and this festival aims to become it”, points out Antony Poole, EADA’s International Master in Marketing director. In his opinion, “that’s why it attracts speakers such as the president of the world’s largest Advertising and Media group (WPP), Steve Wozniak –cofounder of Apple- and the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Unilever, Keith Weed.

To Poole, “it’s a huge advantage for EADA’s participants to attend this event because the themes represent what Marketing professionals are currently working with, debating about and struggling to make sense of”. He adds: “It’s an unique opportunity for them to immerse in the real world of Marketing. So that they will fully understand that they are preparing for. Additionally, they will get to network with professionals and companies that could be their future employers, clients or marketing partners. The two days at the festival will open their eyes in ways that just cannot be done inside a classroom”.

First contact with real marketing

Furthermore, EADA’s participants experience this great event at the beginning of the programme –they started last 29th September–. “It’s really a good chance to show them what they will be doing in a year’s time and what they will be struggling with before coming back to Barcelona to prepare them to be successful in doing that”, says Antony. In this sense, he mantains this: “We will be making references to the event throughout the year. I will very specifically be challenging them in particular subjects to distinguish between the aspects of Marketing they experienced in London that are simply hype –and even wrong– and those that are important for doing good Marketing”.

Poole insists on “this is one of the most important skills they can develop with us, the ability to distinguish what is important and relevant to the decisions they will have to take as professionals and not get dragged along by the latest trend simply because everyone is talking about it”.

The must see sessions

One of the most expected speakers is Keith Weed, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Unilever, who will explain how the company embraces digital transformation and learns how to think differently by working with startups. Another one is Jason Miller, Group Manager, Content Marketing and Social Media at Linkedin, who will help attendants understand how to build a world class global content marketing engine.

Apart from them, Tom Benton, Head of Digital at Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition UK, will talk about the role of social in Danone’s digital transformation which was a critical tool in their reputation management. Another must seen speaker will be the philosopher and best-selling writer Alain de Botton, who will share his thoughts on what content marketers can gain from philosophy, psychology and culture.

In addition, Huib Van Bockel, considered by many as ‘the new marketing manifesto of today’s social era’ and author od ‘The Social Brand’, will explain how to inspire, engage and provide the content that customers really want. And, also, what creating experiences are the most useful to build a genuine relationship. Finally, the event will feature the exceptional presence of Steve Wozniak, cofounder of Apple. It will be a unique opportunity to listen to the pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 70s and 80s, a man who never appears in public events or media.