
EADA signs an exchange programme agreement with Conrad N Hilton College

26 February 2014

EADA has signed an exculsive agreement with the Conrad N Hilton College to create an exchange programme between its students and those from EADA’s International Master in Hospitality Management. This agreement will allow EADA students to take part in a three-month exchange programme in Houston once they have finished thier Master in Barcelona. Conrad N Hilton College, a pioneer institution in the hotel industry, was founded in 1969 by James C Taylor and Conrad Hilton.

Apart from the exchange programme with Conrad N Hilton College EADA offers its Master and MBA students the possibility to do an exchange at more than 20 different associated colleges in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia. There is also a double-degree programme with three European schools: HHL and EBS in Germany and EDHEC in France.

EADA´s International Master in Tourism and Hospitality Management has been classified by Eduniversal as the best programme in Tourism Management on a national level, achieving 10th place worldwide. The programme, chosen between those of 1000 Business Schools, has been recognised because of its reputation, the impact it has on the professional careers of its participants and thier personal level of satisfaction with the programme.