Jordi Diaz Martin
Jordi Díaz és Doctor of Business Administration per l'École des Paris Tech, Màster en Direcció de Recursos Humans per EADA, Llicenciat en Direcció d'Empreses per la University of Wales i Graduat dels programes Authentic Leadership Development i Disruptive Strategy de Harvard Business School. Va iniciar la seva carrera professional a Ritz-Carlton. L'any 2002 es va unir a EADA com a Director de Programes Internacionals i fins a l'agost del 2020 va ser Director de Programes and Relacions Internacionals i membre del Comitè Executiu d'EADA. Durant el període 2008-12 va ser membre del consell d'administració de l'Executive MBA Council (USA) i el seu president per al període 2010-11. Del 2014 al 2021 ha estat membre directori d'EPAS -acreditació europea de programes- i des del 2017 és Director de l'Executive Academy de l'European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD Global Network, Suïssa). Membre de diferents Advisory Boards a diverses escoles de negoci internacionals com: Universitat del Rosari (Colòmbia), Burgundy Business School (França), Ecole des Ponts Business School (França), CENTRUM Catòlica (Perú), Universitat San Francisco de Quito Business School ( Equador) i Athena School of Management (Índia). És professor d'Innovació i coautor del bestseller a la llista desenvolupament empresarial d'Amazon The Innovative Management Education Ecosystem.
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
MASSA SALUZZO, F. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. Estrategia emergente en tiempos de turbulencias. : .
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. , Thurman, P. (2023). The innovative management education ecosystem. : EFMD Global Focus.
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. (2022). The Business School role in reskilling and upskilling leaders for the future of work. : Ambition, AMBA magazine.
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. (2022). The Business School role in reskilling and upskilling leaders for the future of work. AMBA: Ambition Be in brilliant company.
Journal Article, Scholarly
Cuesta, I. , Jacquet, D. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. (2025). When the board of directors is confronted by activist shareholders: the case of Danone Group. : Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies,.
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. (2024). Zeena, Inc.: a teaching case study on disruptive innovation in the wine industry. : International Journal of Competitiveness.
Haverland, S. , Halkias, D. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. (2023). Critical Success Factors for Reskilling and Upskilling Engineer Leaders in Customized Executive Education Programs: An Integrative Literature Review. : .
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. (2022). E-Healthcare Service Innovation at SaludAbierta: A Teaching Case Study on Improving Access to Healthcare in Peru. : SSRN.
DIAZ MARTIN, J. (2022). Innovative executive education programs for in-house employee reskilling/upskilling: the case of the Bayer Active Leadership Program in partnership with EADA Business School. : Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies,.
DIAZ MARTIN, J. (2021). Reskilling and Upskilling 4IR Leaders in Business Schools through an Innovative Executive Education Ecosystem: An Integrative Literature Review. : SSRN.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
Esposito, M. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. , Tse, T. (2024). Driving Sustainable Innovation: How to Do Well While Doing Good. : .
Halkias, D. , Esposito, M. , Harkiolakis, T. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Mmaduabuchi Ikpogu, N. (2023). Digital Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Innovation in the Greek Maritime Industry: The Case of Harbor Lab. : Emerald Publishing Limited.
Kalkias, D. , Esposito, M. , Harkiolakis, T. , DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Ikpogu, N. (2023). Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans: Perspective from Diverse Contexts (Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development). Emerald Publishing Limited: .
Book, Scholarly
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. , Thurman, P. (2022). The Innovative Management Education Ecosystem. Reskilling and Upskilling the Future Workforce. : .
Case Study with Teaching Note
DIAZ MARTIN, J. , Halkias, D. (2022). E-Healthcare Service Innovation at SaludAbierta: A Teaching Case Study on Improving Access to Healthcare in Peru. : .