
The best Marketing Plan for the "Pills against another person’s pain" project MSF

20 May 2011

On Tuesday May 17th, following a term of hard work, diplomas were handed out to the winner groups of the prize to the best Marketing Plan for the "Pills against another person’s pain" project, carried out by students on the EADA Full time and Part time MBA for Doctors Without Borders. Accompanying David Román in the handing out ceremony were Aítor Zabalgogeazkoa, General Director of MSF España, and Juan Ramón Atxa, head of PCDA.

David Román, head of the marketing plan projects for EADA MBA’s said "it has been very rewarding to work contributing towards a good cause so that people around the world may suffer less from diseases which people like ourselves who live well have totally forgotten ". Aítor Zabalgogeazkoa, General Director of Doctors Without Borders also commented "We don’t normally have capacities dedicated to marketing plans and the support we have received from the students studying the case and putting forward ideas and criticisms has been exceptional. Very important for repositioning the ‘Pills against Another Person’s Pain’ campaign"

Video of the event