
Jaume Giró gives a conference in EADA

15 July 2010

On February 9th Jaume Giró, executive manager of La Caixa, Caixa Forum and Criteria CaixaCorp, gave a conference to the students of the EADA Master in Corporate and Institutional Communication.

His conference was entitled “An environment in total transformation”, and dealt with communication, changes in publicity investment, the media, audiences and more specifically focused on the importance of the brand for the company, the figure of the communication manager and the changing environment we are currently immersed in.

Jaume Giró stated that although communication is not a science as such and needs to be adapted to each company, it always constitutes a strategic tool for management. He highlighted some of the basic features of communication managers and of their career trajectory until they become the spokesperson of the company"s image.

With regard to the media, he referred to the role of each medium in the current state of affairs. Television for example is going through a period where it requires a revolution due to a new legal framework, the analogical blackout, imminent mergers between channels and the disappearance of advertising on TVE. As far as the printed media are concerned, these need to undergo rehauling and to react in order to create new formulas which will minimise the drop in advertising investment. The third block is made up of online media. Internet continues to evolve. Jaume Giró pointed out that we still have a long way to go in Spain and that situations such as that of the United Kingdom and the increase in investment in this medium cannot be compared with that of our country.

Finally he closed off the lecture by focusing on the brand as a generator of value and source of wealth. According to the latest data on brand value, La Caixa has increased its brand value by 79% on the banks ranking, and now ranks among the top 50 banks.