Melissa Demartini
Melissa Demartini tiene un Doctorado en Gestión e Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Génova (Italia). Fue investigadora visitante en Imperial College Business School (Reino Unido) e investigadora postdoctoral en Southern Denmark University (Dinamarca). Tiene experiencia docente internacional en todos los niveles (Licenciatura, Master, MBA). Su investigación se ha centrado durante muchos años en la gestión de Supply Chain sostenible. La investigación de Melissa es reconocida internacionalmente y es autora de más de 30 artículos publicados en revistas académicas. También ha publicado dos libros: Corporate Sustainability in Practice in 2021 y Sustainable Transformation Strategy in 2023. En términos de experiencia administrativa y organizacional, ha trabajado como gerente de proyecto para el proyecto de Fabricación Avanzada en Europa Central (AMiCE) de la UE.
Sustainable supply chain, circular economy, reverse logitics, digital supply chain, modelling
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , University of Genoa
Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic University of Turin (2022-)
Postdoctoral researcher , Southern Denmark University (2020-2023)
Adjunct Professor, University of Genoa (2017-2020)
Visiting Researcher, Imperial College Business School (2019-2019)
Sustainability coordinator, Intelligent Factory Cluster (2017-)
Teaching assistant, Imperial College Business School (2019-2022)
Project manager, Interreg Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe (AMiCE) (2017-2020)
DGS (2020 - 2022)
Ansaldo Energia (2018 - 2020)
Siemens (2014 - 2020)
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
DEMARTINI, M. (2024). Unravelling and mapping the theoretical foundations of sustainable supply chains: a literature review and research agenda. : Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
DEMARTINI, M. (2023). The transition to electric vehicles and a net zero economy: A model based on circular economy, stakeholder theory, and system thinking approach. : Journal of Cleaner Production.
DEMARTINI, M. (2022). An investugation into modelling approaches for industrial symbiosis: A literature review and research agenda. : Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain.
DEMARTINI, M. (2022). The capacitated lot-sizing and energy efficient single machine scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times and costs in a closed-loop supply chain network. : Annals of Operations Research.
DEMARTINI, M. (2021). Performance measurement and management. A literature review focussed on the role played by management theories with a deep dive into the industry 4.0 environment. : International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Book, Scholarly
DEMARTINI, M. (2023). Stories of Sustainable Transformation: Casebook for Corporate Sustainability in Practice. : .
DEMARTINI, M. (2021). Integrating Corporate Sustainability into Business Strategy. : .
Conference Proceeding
DEMARTINI, M. (2019). Digitalization Technologies for Industrial Sustainability. : Procedia Manufacturing.
DEMARTINI, M. (2018). Augmented and virtual reality applications in industrial systems: A qualitative review towards the industry 4.0 era. : IFAC-PapersOnLine.
DEMARTINI, M. (2016). A Novel Methodology for Manufacturing Firms Value Modeling and Mapping to Improve Operational Performance in the Industry 4.0 Era. : Procedia CIRP.